Gansai Tambi Portable 14 Colors Set with Brush and Pen- Regular and Transparent Sets

ZIG Kuretake

Gansai 14
Order in Quantities of:
5 units


These are water based pigment paint sets. The quick dissolving paints are blendable and have clear, bright colors. 

The regular opacity paints can be highly opaque when used as a gouache, but can be diluted to be transparent. The transparent set has naturally lower opacity for a feeling like western watercolor, rather than Japanese. 

This set includes 14 pans of paint, a BrusH20 water brush, and a Zig Mangaka 01 pen, all in a convenient carrying case. The lid of the case has dividers for mixing colors.

The Regular Opacity included colors are: White, Black, Red, Lemon Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine, Rose Madder, Sap Light Green, Cadmium Yellow, Raw Umber Deep, Natural Beige, Gray and Cobalt Blue.

The Transparent Opacity included colors are: Black, White, Blue, Olive Green, Lemon Yellow, Vermilion, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, Violet, Prussian Blue, Deep Green, Grass Green, Carmine Red, and Brown.

The Mini Palette Transparent Colors are Black, White, Brown, Carmine Red, Vermilion, Yellow Ochre, Lemon Yellow, Grass Green, Deep Green, Blue, Prussian Blue, and Violet.

Extra Information

ZIG Kuretake
Tip Style:
Tip Style:
Bristle Brush
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